What is a laminated bulk bag?

A coating also referred to as lamination, is an additional polypropylene film that is added to the fabric. It sealed the small gaps in the poly weaves to act as a moisture barrier. This layer of film can be added to the inside or outside of the bag. To achieve a higher percentage of waterproofing on the Ssuper Sack, an inner liner of PE can be introduced into the bag for close to 99% waterproof

How much product can a Ssuper Sack hold? 

Ssuper sacks are manufactured to a Safe Working Load (SWL) of 500kg to 2,000kg.

What does 5:1 and 6:1 SF mean? 

Most woven polypropylene bags are manufactured for single trip. These single use bags are rated at a 5:1 safety factor ratio (SF) that means the bag can hold up to five times the amount of their rated safe working load (SWL). For safety reasons, it is not recommended to fill up the bag over its safe working load.

Some woven polypropylene Ssuper Sacks are manufactured for multiple trips. These multiple trips bags are rated at a 6:1 safety factor ratio. It means the sack can hold up to six times their safe working load. Again, for safety reasons, it is not advisable to fill the sack over its safe working load.

What is the difference between U-Panel, Circular, & 4-Panel bulk bags? 

U-panel bags are constructed with three body panels – one full length running across the front and back of the bag, and two sides fabric sewn into the larger piece. The U-panel bags form a square shape when filled, especially a U-panel bag with baffles.

Circular bags are made with a tubular piece of fabric. The construction with a single piece of fabric to forms all four sides of the bag only requires top and bottom fabric to be stitched to create the bag.

4-panel bags are constructed with four individual pieces sewn together to form a square structure. When filled, a 4-panel bag will hold its square shape the best, compared to the U-panel and circular bag. The only drawback to create 4-panel bags is the large amount of stitching required to keep the bag together. This can allow for more areas of the bag prone to failure.  However, 4-panel bags are ideal for storage due to the way they hold their shape when filled.

What are the type of Ssuper Sacks?

Type A is made of plain-woven polypropylene and other non-conductive fabrics. Static electricity is generated as products move or rub against the inside surface of the bulk bag when they are filled or emptied. No static protection is found in Type A FIBCs.

To transport non-flammable products.
No flammable solvents or gases present around the bag.

Do not use type A for:
Transporting flammable products.
When flammable solvents or gases are present around the bag.
Should not be used where a flammable atmosphere with a minimum ignition energy ≤1,000mJ is present.

Type B is made of plain-woven polypropylene fabrics or other non-conductive material that have a low breakdown voltage to prevent an incident with highly energetic, and dangerous propagating brush discharges occur. Although Type B bulk bags can prevent propagating brush discharges, they are not considered antistatic bulk bags because they do not dispel an electrostatic charge.

To transport dry, flammable powders.
No flammable solvents or gases present around the bulk bag.
Intended to be used in environments with dust with ignition energies less than 3mJ.

Do not use type B for:
When flammable solvents or gases are present around the bulk bag.

Type C, also known as conductive FIBCs or ground-able FIBCs, are made from non-conductive polypropylene fabrics interwoven with conducting threads traditionally sewn in a grid pattern. These conducting threads must be electrically interconnected as well as connected to a designated ground/earth during filling and discharging. This connection to the ground/earth during filling and discharging is imperative to the safe use of Type C bulk bags.

To transport flammable powders.
When flammable vapors, gases, or combustable dusts are present.

Do not use type C:
When ground connection is not present or has become damaged.
Resistance from any location FIBC to ground-able point.

Type D FIBCs are made from antistatic and static dissipative fabrics. It is designed to prevent the occurrence of incendiary sparks, brush discharges and propagating brush discharges from the bag to a designated ground/earth. The fabric contains quasi-conductive yarns that dissipate static electricity into the atmosphere via safe, low-energy corona discharge. It is used to package combustible products and handle products in combustible and flammable environments.

To transport flammable powders.
When flammable vapors, gases, or combustable dusts are present.

Do not use type D:
When surface of FIBC is contaminated or coated with conductive material such as grease or other flammable and or combustible materials.